Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Laura is now in the ward. She is doing ok, but getting tired easily and is a bit fed up. Fair enough really, after seven weeks of hospital life. She had a big physio session today, and is eating a bit more.

Slow and steady wins the race........


  1. I am testing this Louise. Having trouble posting

  2. Louise I ave finally got access.
    Great to hear Laura is back on the ward. Small steps are good for now. Hi to Mum & Dad.
    Give Laura our love & We will see her soon.
    Uncle Ross & Aunty Diane

  3. This sounds like good news - we are all thinking of Laura and hoping to see her (and Gale) back at our Friday sewing days again before too long. Hope all keeps going well best wishes to all the family. Cheryl / Primary Patchworkers.
